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Frédérik Porquier

30 ans

Social Media manager
Chargé de communication online

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  • CrĂ©ation de MyScreens fin 2009
  • Co-fondateur de l’évènement blogueurs How I Met Your Blogger


  • PassionnĂ© de cinĂ©ma et sĂ©ries TV, tous genres confondus et c’est bien pour ça que j’ai crĂ©e MyScreens.
  • Accro Ă  l’actu mĂ©dia et buzz web
  • Lecteur de comics et SF
  • Amateur de musique et concerts indĂ©/pop/rock
  • Pro

    • Social Media Manager chez Be Angels
    • Responsable Editorial et Communautaire pour pendant 2 ans et demi
    • Chef de projet web chez DBA (groupe Conelli) pendant 1 an.
    • 4 ans en tant que que chef de projet chez Algorythme Conseil sur des projets en conseil marketing services pour Nokia, Taleo, La Poste, Packard Bell, …
    • DUT Tech de Co, puis 2 de spĂ©cialisation Chef de PublicitĂ© ISCOM
    • Stages chez FCB et MediaPerformances


    Il Ă©tait de l’aventure : Christopher Constans

    27 ans

    Consultant en Communication (Ă©ditoriale, RP)

    Journaliste Interne



    • RĂ©dacteur sur MyScreens depuis juillet 2010
    • SpĂ©cialiste nanars, action, science-fiction,…


  • PassionnĂ© de cinĂ©ma, sĂ©ries TV, ancien passionĂ© de comics
  • Fan de MĂ©tal et de Rock (2 mĂ©moires rĂ©alisĂ©s)
  • Guitariste influencĂ© Grunge/MĂ©tal/Rock/Blues dans diffĂ©rents groupes
  • LittĂ©rature contemporaine amĂ©ricaine, classique française, SF, Heroic Fantasy, Horreur, Musique, …
  • Pro

    • Consultant en Communication Ă©ditoriale et relations presse chez SC Conseil (75) depuis 3 ans
    • Journaliste web pour, 4 mois
    • Master 2 IngĂ©nierie Editoriale et Communication – UniversitĂ© de Cergy-Pontoise
    • Licence LEA Anglais/Allemand


    Bicycle Cargo Trailer First, put a cutoff wheel on your angel grinder. I up cycled this material from an old BBQ grill and a bench press stand. The arm is made from 1"x1" steel tubing and 1"x3/16" steel flat bar . The frame design and pulling arm are centered around this type of setup. The tool box is secured with a bungee cord. I have found this trailer to be very maneuverable. I can ride in slow tight rams lance kendricks mens jersey circles with the . Have you ever wanted to take something authentic kiko alonso womens jersey extra with you when you ride your bike, but didn’t know how you could get it on the bike and still be able to ride? I have, and believe me one of my favorite challenges about bike riding is figuring out how to strap anything from a tennis racket to a load of firewood to a bike. There is something about that moment when you wrap that bungee cord around your item just right, pull on it until your fingers hurt, and get it to hook on. You step back and authentic steve young womens jersey think to yourself "this is rigged but it just might stay on." In my effort to carry more things with my bike I decided to build a cargo trailer. It wasn’t going to be a typical trailer though, I wanted something that was Heavy Duty, maybe something that could handle most household appliances. So I got started just like every other good home made bike trailer, with a pair of garbage picked wheels and a set of tires that were given to me for free. Here is a quick run down of the main features of the trailer: Adjustable pulling arm to allow mounting to any bike My main motivation for building this trailer came from the many "bike move" videos and blog posts on this topic. A bike move is what it sounds like, moving to a new house by only using bikes for transportation and hauling. This requires cargo bikes, bike trailers and the blank stares of people as you ride past authentic ladainian tomlinson womens jersey with a massive load of stuff on your bike. This video is my favorite bike move video from a group of bike movers in Bozeman. This is not me or my video, but it is a great example of what saints corey white youth jersey can be done with a bike trailer. Check out the How much can I haul? page for a calculator on towing weight. I would recommend lights, I used standard blinking bike lights attached to the trailer randy bullock jersey when I towed the grill.
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